Well, that you found me
Objects of interest in the Tuscany
From a hill Arezzo over-looks the level, in that the Chiana valley, the Casentino and the lower Arno valley meet. The old part of town with that gothical cathedral San Donato, the Medici fortress and numerous beautiful Palazzi and towers has it medieval appearance retains to a large extent.
The main place is the Piazza Grande,  those from the Palazzo depression logs, the beautiful Roman church Pieve Santa Maria and dei Laicione limits for the Renaissance Palazzo della Fraternita. The church San Francesco became famous owing to the Fresken Piero della Frencescas, in addition, San Domenico is worth seeing. Interesting also the Roman Amphiteater to southern Edge the center.
Trips into the province:
Bibbiena is the principal place of the Casentino of area, one of the most delightful landscapes of the Toskana, is
etruskischen origin. The church S.Lorenzo, Palazzo Divizi; prettily the Pieve SS. Ippolito e Donato. In the birth house me
long lot stands for nearby village Caprese Michelangelo. On rock delighted La Verna is the second important monastery of
the province Arezzo, in that hl. the Franz of Assisi the Wundmale received. It covers three churches.
In Poppi those are worth mentioning impressive Castello di Poppi and  the churchMadonna del Marbo. Directly
outside of a tierpark; nearby the castle Castello di Romena with parish church Pieve S. Pietro.
Stia, in the upper Arno valley, offers the ramanische S. Maria Assunta and in the proximity the castles Castello di
Palagio, castello di Porciano. Camaldoli is in 11. Jh. gegr. nut/mother monastery of the Kamaldulenser, with one
in the middle in the forest Einsiedelei (nature park), lain. The hill place Anghiari enstand from a castellet and is
today a very delightful village: Church S. Maria depression Grazie, Palazzo Pretorio, Palazzo Taglieschi. To
extreme western Edge of the Toskana is appropriate  for Sansepolcro,already in the Middle Ages principal place
of the Tiber valley. Within the old walls (16th Jh.) the Palazzi depression Laudi, Pichi Sermolli and Aggiunti, that
Roman gothical cathedral S. Giovanni, the church S. Francesco (13th Jh.) and the birth house Piero della
Francescas. Medici fortress.
Monterchi: In the local Pieve Romana is the famous Madonna del Porto von Piero della
Francesca. In Lucignano the unusual, circular plant of the roads is noticeable; Castle remainders, church
S. Francesco, Rathaus. The much-visited Etruskerstadt Cortona lain beautifully is one the oldest  places of
the Toskana, a further point of attraction for visitors. Remainders of etruskischer walls surround to slope
convenient local centre with mittelalterl. Houses and also Renaissance Palazzi. On a trip around should
one itself the cathedral S. Maria, the churches S. Nicolò and S. Francesco,the Palazzi Comunale, del Capitano del
Popolo and Pretorio look at. Of the Piazza Garibaldi  a beautiful view of those is offered easily outside
convenientrenaissance-church Santa Maria depression Grazie aluminium Calcinaio. Etruskerreste are except in the
museum also before the gates: the Tumulusgrab Tanella di Pitagora .